What the f...!?

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Forum Mascot
Aug 21, 2006
In my castle....
Just snooping around on Amazon.com....

Doras of the Galland Circus (Library of Eagles, Number 1) (Paperback), and there were five of them....
Two for $669.94, one for $699.00 and two for $729.70!!!
I mean, WHO would pay THAT amount, and WHO would expect to get THAT same amount for those books!!??

Yeah it's very hard to find, out of print, and like several others of its ilk, it goes for a premium on ebay.

You CAN find it on some download sites however.
It must be one heck of book at only 74 pages long for that price. I could understand if it was signed by Galland but man....
just wait for the volume 2 Dora book by EE it will contain nearly all of the softback book.

dang even with Gallands sig which I have several of I would never p;lay that kind of monies ........ pretty tarded they should know they will never sell them, but then again ................
Volume 1 is on the way. Looks like I'll have to get volume 2 also.

...but I draw the line well below $700. I saw copies of "Warplanes of the Third Reich" by Green on Amazon for 180 bucks and wouln't pay that either.
I heard a rumor in the ww2aircraft.net break room that the admins were going to get all the members with more than 1000 posts a copy of this book. I can't wait for mine!!!!
Yeah it's very hard to find, out of print, and like several others of its ilk, it goes for a premium on ebay.

You CAN find it on some download sites however.

Thanks for the head-up, kgambit :)

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