What's for dinner?

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Big pot of beans with ham bone, onion, celery and seasonings. Slow cooked all day. Served with cornbread.

Was never a big fan of this in my younger days. Mom would make it all the time, but I hated it. Now it's something I want to try again, but never seem to do. I may have to make a pot of this this fall when the weather starts to get cold. Do you put vinegar in it after you scoop up a bowl full or is that somehing my Father invented?
No vinegar, though I have heard of that being done down south. I love beans, but the ham bone makes it. All the marrow breaks down along with the remaining meat and the bones can be removed with nothing left on them. The meat shreds itself and virtually disentigrates. Talk about a good rich eat. A staple of my kin in Alabama. We always had a pot of beans once a week cooking in a cast iron pot all day. I make them in a slow cooker (crockpot) and freeze the leftovers to pull out for another easy meal. And you can't make a cheaper meal.
Here is my (departed) Mom's Goulash Recipe. When my wife first made it for me I nearly cried. The taste brought back so many memories. One thing my wife did to make it her own was to make Bisquick dumplings and allow them to cook on top of the Goulash for the last 10 - 15 minutes. This makes it a total carb love fest!


That looks simple enough and pretty tasty.
I've got a recipe in a book that's very simular, called Hungarian Goulash. I think it calls for Mushrooms as well. Then you put a dollop of Sour Cream on top of your bowl.

Matt so did we it was a cheap meal on a retired Master Sargent/Civil Service pay at KAFB.It was extra special when those diced hotdogs showed up in it and off to the side was diced/fried potatoes,soft butter and loaf of bread.The whole meal would disappear with 7 of us around the table and that includes all the bread and butter.Mix the potatoes with the beans
Nice juicy 'T' bone last night with a good Margaret River red, yum.

Noodle, dim sim and prawn Asian soup tonight, just the ticket after a long cold day.
Tonight... Stuffed eggplant.

3 Eggplant halved
1lb Italian Sausage (mild or spicy)
1/2C olive oil
4oz parmesan cheese
4T chopped parsely
1.5T minced garlic
1 onion chopped
1/2 loaf of french bread, cubed and dried in 350F oven for 15min
8oz Mozzarella shredded

Slice and cube out insides of eggplant. Reserve eggplant halves in glass dish. Add next 7 ingredients
Fry until incorporated and moisture is gone.

Stuff half eggplant shells. Top with shredded mozzarella.

Bake for 30-40min.

Serve with ceasar salad and woman who needs servicing.

Service. Repeat.
An iron rich diet for me from now on...
Trouble is I hate eating liver.
If anyone has any suggestions for a healthy balanced iron rich diet, or receipts then I'd be glad to read them.

AND before any wag says eat 'pig iron' I have heard that joke a few times already
I secretly fed liver to my children by liquidising it in a whizzer (what is the proper name for those things?) and using it in a pork and bacon stew.

Many requests for second helpings with 'that super gravy'.

Or try thin lambs liver dipped in flour and quickly fried in butter. It's often the texture that is the problem (or school cows liver boiled to shoe sole rubber with wobbly tubes included.)

I can do a good fresh rabbits liver if you drop by...........

Otherwise it's the shellfish, nuts and dark chocolate diet for you John.
Readie, try Broccoli. Full of iron and if your not keen on it in the usual format on the side of a Sunday roast and your not too weight conscious. just boil slightly to a cooked but firm texture and add it into a dish with some cauliflower (cooked same way) pour over a mixed up packet of cheese sauce, top with a nice strong cheddar or Stilton. Bake for around 30 mins or until cheese is nice and crispy. Done!
Serve with gammon or a nicely roasted ham etc.

Yum yum

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