What's for dinner?

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Matt, you are a wag Fried horseshoes isn't that practical either....

Liver seems to be an option...not fried pigs liver please. YUK. I hate that texture.....

John, thanks, I'll look out rabbit and lamb liver from my local butcher.

Capt V, they do. Tried them, got bowel problems and had to give up. Some people tolerate iron pills, but I can't.....

S1 Chris, I had forgotten broccoli. Thanks for reminding me. I'm pretty sure I can buy that farm fresh from the tamar valley farms.

Where there is a will there is a way.

Dollar for dollar, yen for yen, liver is your best iron and protein buy. Brush it will a little oil, soya sauce, hot mustard or wasabi paste ... and quick sear on a hot BBQ or cast iron pan .... serve with crunchy fried onions and good slaw.

I drink my coffee black except when I'm at the cabin ....where I use brown sugar, whole milk and whiskey ... 2 cups in the AM. Brown sugar (and molasses) are good sources of iron. Baked beans in molasses and mustard makes an interesting use. Corn bread dipped in molasses is a great "side".

Do cook with iron wherever possible ... ditch the coated aluminum "stuff"
Shopping day today. I fancied fresh sardines. SWMBO wants prawns for curry. Her turn to cook so prawn curry it will be, and doubtless excellent too.

Bought a huge (I mean huge) bag of 'old bread' for animals. On checking at home all is quite good and includes 16 small apricot doughnuts, 8 apple donughts, 4 raspberry doughnuts, chocolate chip very large brioche, 4 american muffins in vanilla chocolate, 3 large loaves for the freezer, 3 chorizo flat breads; oh and 9 loaves for the animals. Doughnut frenzy for desert!
Ooooooohhhhh, just read a recipe for Venison Pastrami over on one of my favorite outdoor cooking blogs and now have craving for some. Problem is it needs to cure for several days before smoking, so at best it will be a week before I can have some.
Can you say Venison Pastrami Reubens! Who's coming over for dinner next weekend?
Homemade tacos. Fried corn tortillas, seasoned ground beef, cilantro, chopped onion, shredded lettuce and sharp cheddar cheese with a little Tapatio hot sauce. Wife and I couldn't decide on dinner, so youngest son says "Command decision. Tacos!".

That-a-way to take charge, no messing around

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