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Take it easy.....these invasion strips were painted in a messy way very often.That's true that their width should have been of 18 inches but the real painting was slightly different.So I'll let it be.
With Wojtek! Some of the invasion stripes looked pretty crooked or shabby. Not surpising really when you think they got the order to 'paint these on everything that flies by Friday!'

Great work mate!
Take it easy.....these invasion strips were painted in a messy way very often.That's true that their width should have been of 18 inches but the real painting was slightly different.So I'll let it be.
I can confirm that, most invasion stripes were painted on the night before the invasion, the go date not being known until a few hours before the actual event. it was a very hasty paint job with no thought to measuring accurately or masking.
Yep, good work, and great pic Wojtek. Very often, as it seems in Wojtek's pic, the paint used was 'emulsion' or a distemper type of paint, so that it could be removed relatively easily. There were some aircraft which appeared to be neatly painted, but the majority were as per the pic shown, where, close up, the hasty job was more apparent.

I might be wrong , but if you look real close, the insignia and Identification letters are either masked off or (with the roundel) covered by clear plastic and taped over.
Almost there. Note to my exhaust, One of the little red squares (which I learned is a gun port) fell off and got lost, so I ditched the other where the roundels are. So I only have 3 on each side, as for the exhaust itself I am still learning and accept it. It might be overdone or too thick and whatnot but I free handed it trying to simulate a real stain. I am here to grow with modeling, therefore I accept if I possibly ruined a really good model, because I can produce those effects on the next one. I think of it in terms of conditioning, if you run a mile long enough, it becomes easy, so I ran like 2 miles doing the exhaust stains to challenge myself more and grow. Got school work so it wont be finished until tomorrow, then im building a little base and possibly some figures.


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Not bad at all Mag. I'm still looking for a decent pic of the underside of a MkII. Found an early MkVb, but that's really dirty, not what you need! I'm sure I've got a reasonable 'still' from some wartime footage somewhere, and loads of later Mark Spits, just got to keep searching!
I guess I jumped the bullet on ya Terry, sorry! My exhaust stains for the guns were so nice then I put on a dullcote and forgot that dull cotes ruin that kind of stuff.. especially an acrylic exhaust stain with lacquer all up in it. So I had to redo them and it came out like that. The tan tip is so nice for it and am inspired to do more exhausting.

Did you catch my downward slope of the exhaust on the engine? (I know its subtle, but thats what you described it as). Also the shoe scuffs!
Thanks Heinz, glad I could catch ur comment while im still on. Got school in 5 hours haha! Will be finishing the canopy and all those goodies tomorrow, I like the look of it too. $10 kit, not too shabby..

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