What's on The Workbench

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Nice one Mags! I know it probably isn't finished yet, but ensure the driver at least gets a matt clear coat. Looks like the diorama is going to be a good 'un!
Funny thing is I took these pictures after applying my flat coat. Might have to try another brand or whip out the lacquer dull cote. Could be the lighting or something..
Here's something what I'm currently working on - Airfix 1/72 Typhoon. Just a quick "practice build", with not much attention given to details. Actually I use this inexpensive kit mainly as a test bed to see if I got the right colors for my Mustang (which is my 'official' entry for the D-Day GB).

Colors I've used are Humbrol 129 for undersides and Humbrol 106/116 for upper surfaces. So, what say you guys? Looking at this model, are these correct color shades for RAF paint scheme?


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Igor that looks real good from where I'm sitting.

Not a lot of quality work lately but a little work on a lot of different projects.

Filling seems on the Airfix Blenheim

Sealing up the fuselage on the Academy Typhoon

Giving a nose job to the Airfix Mosquito. This was kinda nerve racking seeing as I've never done this kind of modification before.

Thanks for looking
Looks very good Igor! I'm not familiar with those Humbrol numbers, or are they acrylics? They look OK though, the grey is maybe a tiny bit light (upper surface), but is fine for a weathered aircraft, and will go darker anyway once the clear coats are on. The AEAF stripes on the wings are a little too far inboard, but other than that, it looks very well done mate!
well, I don't think there's anything else i can paint on the F-18 so ima start on decaling, now.

right now I'm trying to look for supplies on doing a Southwest Airlines 737-500. I managed to find the model to do it, Airline Hobby Supplies, Airliner Models and Collectables. but I'm having trouble in finding the decals for the classic livery. NOT the Canyon Blue livery. there's more than plenty of that. also having trouble finding the proper color, too.

AIRLINERCAFE.COM - Skyline Models Southwest Boeing 737-500
that is NOT mine.
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Thanks! These are in fact enamel colors Terry. As far as color numbers go I took it from painting instructions of my Academy P-51 kit. Here were given only Federal Standard numbers for RAF Medium Sea Gray/Ocean Gray/Dark Green colors. I went with that to the hobby shop and look through the conversion charts with the shop owner (who is well known modeler over here) so he came up with this Humbrol numbers. Although we couldn't find exact match for upper surface gray, he gave me HU106 as something closest to the required thing.

Speaking of colors... As I understand HU78 green is used as cockpit interior color on RAF planes. Would this color be appropriate for P-51 too or should I use some other color (and if that is the case which)?

Edit: Yes, stripes are too close to the wing root here as I found out myself, but I had already painted the model so I decided to leave it this way. Since this is only "practice build" I don't mind small historical inaccuracy.
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I've since checked the Humbrol listing Igor, and the grey is in fact listed as Ocean Grey. I'd stick with that, as it looks fine in that scale. If doing 1/48th or larger, I'd darken it just a tiny bit.
The Humbrol 78 is the actual colour of (British) Cockpit Green - Grey, which means it needs to be made a touch lighter for a scale effect. However, the Typhoon (and Tempest) cockpits were predominantly black, with the green used on some of the framework and fittings, which were later silver painted.
It is not suitable for a P51, which was Interior Green, originally Green Zinc Chromate, which was basically the same colour but with a different 'sheen' and a slight metallic look. Your model should be in Interior Green, with a Dark Green or Olive Drab seat, which would have been the finish at this period.
Humbrol have discontinued this colour, but there were so many variations, I wouldn't worry about it. Most commercially available model paints for this colour are far too bright and 'green', so I mix my own.
Use the Dark Green you used on the Typhoon, and mix with yellow, until it 'looks right'! A bit of a skimpy description, but that's the best way to describe it. If you have a look at my Mustang III thread in the GB, you'll see the colour - something near that will be fine.
I'd guessed you weren't too concerned about the Typhoon stripes - as long as you know where they should go!
Hope this helps,
The completed base for the lib.. all thats left is figures / extras. I say, not bad for my first base!


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