What's on The Workbench

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He He! Same here. Although I'm a Geordie by birth, I've lived in Cheshire for many years, right on the edge of the Peak District. Look left from my front door, and my neighbour's house is about eight feet higher! The house is on a hill which is at approx 45 degrees!
Bill, like the design for the cabinet, not sure about the colour though - might detract from the contents.
I was in the Yorkshire Dales with the aformentioned bike couple of weeks back. The 1 in 5 climb out of Littondale was interesting! Forgot just how hilly it is up there.
AF, perhaps a cammo finish then??? Don't think she would go for that! Maybe a light sea gray on the inside would really be a better choice?

The wifey suggested fairy lights through the back panel to look like stars??????????????? keeeeerist!
We shall see when the cost comes in! Auto punching the holes is a might better than trying to drill a bazillion holes, aligned!

I know exactly where you live now...
Someones been looking at Google Earth! If there's a red Range Rover outside the house, then it's an old picture, I've had a blue Jeep Cherookee for five years!!
Working on my first B-17 and loving it.

Always had a soft spot for this aircraft and I intend to get quite a few variants for my collection.
Quick question and apologies if it is a silly one but does the nose window actually have any paint on it or does it just get glued on 'as is'?
Also,this kit has waist guns but the windows don't appear to have any openings so what's the point in that?
Any help will,.as always, be greatly appreciated.8)
Off the b17's i've seen there's usually some frame that needs paint. Maybe not with this particular kite..

Like the navy look myself, I want to build the B17 rescue with the higgins boat.
Well Buggggah. The cabinet is out! Got prices for the punching and bending today, THIRTEEN HUNDRED BUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think I will have to take a different tack.......

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