What's on The Workbench

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In meantime here the fuselage... with attached copy of the horizontal stabilizer and the nose section of the J variant. Greein pieces there are scratchbuilt.

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Realllly nice mate.....
But I can't see a fork in it, looks more like a gear leg. But then I have been criticized for my stupidity before.

Speaking of which, I have been posting on my "finished kits" thread. Doh!
I'm going to add "Something Else" another P-51 I lettered one year for the races. Attached are my steps for the big mods! Clipped and squared wings, and a teenie weenie canopy! Have to fill the cockpit area, filler on top of a styrene sheet. Filed, sanded and primed in the last photo.


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Both the B-24D and B-24J paper sets offer the early variiant of the control wheels. To be honest these look terrible and I decided to correct them a little bit. Then I installed them in the cokpit.

Here a few shots...


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