Whats the speed of dark ?

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I'd be willing to bet Gary had noooooooooooooooo idea that this CRAP would go this far.

Welllll.....I did have another thought on this matter....

If I was travelling at the speed of light in a spaeceship...and switched a torch on...would I be able to see where I'm going ?...or would the light go back into the torch and recharge the batteries ?

Medication...nahhhh, not me mate... a couple of tinnies of the Amber Nectar, and it al makes sense !!!!
Dude ...now you're talking....errrr as long as the lights stay on !!
If I was travelling at the speed of light in a spaeceship...and switched a torch on...would I be able to see where I'm going ?...or would the light go back into the torch and recharge the batteries ?
Well, I guess the light would be shining a few hours before you switched the torch on. So you would be able to read were you would be going in a few hours time..

That would all depend on where the light was in relation to your spaceship. Like tossing a tennisball inside a 747. The tennis ball is not traveling at 300mph, no, but it also does not smash through the rear of the airplane either. So if you flipped the switch on a torch/flashlight that's INSIDE the spaceship, you'll be able to see normally. If you flip on your headlights, while going the speed of light, then you've got yourself a debate! I believe the light will emerge from the bulb, yes, but with the added impulse of the spacecraft as well as light's own inherent speed...for a short time, anyway, until reacted upon by other cosmic influences that will slow it down to its natural speed. So, you'll get headlights, they just won't illuminate very far in front of you.
Yes, but you can't have morons without there being traces of lesons. And lesons, rare though they are, also exert a gravitational force of their own, which is highly interactive with dark. Lesons, therefore, are instrumental in reducing and/or eliminating the velocity of dark. The right lesons, applied correctly, can even allow the passage of light.
"Taildarks" are only available on the 2012 models, ya know. Of course you do know how they operate, right? They draw darkness up the tailpipe of the spacecraft, creating a sort of light-vacuum, causing an effect similar to the air flowing over the top of an airplane wing. The butt of the spacecraft is "encouraged" to follow the nose, effectively "pushing" the spacecraft along. Really helps with the gas mileage and EPA ratings!

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