Whats the speed of dark ?

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Yep. Sucks to be in the dark. Buggered.

Well...as i was walking over to get the horse into the stable for the night, I was thinking about this topic and I think (therefore I am) I've got it cracked.

You see, according to our knowledgable scientific dudes with the big brains and even bigger calculators...the speed of light is 186,000 miles second (OK, I can just about get my head around that as its the speed my bank balance dissapears every month !) which is pretty fast.

Now we all know that light is the opposite of dark so it makes sense therefore that the speed of dark is the direct inverse of light !. Therefore, the speed of dark is the same as light but with a negative in front, i.e the speed of dark is MINUS 186,000 miles a second.

Only problem I can see is that no-one has been able to prove this, cos they need the lights switched on to check their instruments thereby instantly removing the dark. In fact...we will probably never be able to see how fast the speed of dark is cos its going away from us so damn fast that its gone before we get to see it........

You say that Light cannot have mass because it cannot and does not obey the accepted laws of physics.

Well hang on minute here. If the oppsosite of light is dark, what about dark matter (And Red matter..it does exist cos I saw it on the latest Star Treck Movie so I know its for real dontchya know !). If you can have dark matter then you should also have light matter (dont forget the inverse rule) therefore light can have mass....and I'm beginning to lose the plot at this point, so I'm off for another tinnie of the Amber Nectar from the cooler....
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Hmmmm....so.....maybe the things that go "bump" in the night aren't really things at all, but dark matter bumping into something in the dark, because it can't see? Wow....it all makes sense now, and I can finally turn off my HelloKitty (tm) nightlight!

Dude, you are trying way too hard.

Besides, I think GeeDee has it. The problem with measuring the speed of dark, is all the measurements have to be done in the dark. Can't see the intstruments. So dark could have speed and masss and not be the absence of light at all. But everytime you turn on the lights, dark is already gone. Can't be measured.
You're forgetting if light has no mass and dark is it's direct opposite, should dark not have infinite mass? This probably means its really slow because of the law of slowness of mass.
Well, here's the real question...

Is the light on in the 'fridge before the door opens, or just as it opens?

And, if you open the 'fridge at night, with the kitchen lights off, does any dark get into the 'fridge before the door closes?
Well, here's the real question...

Is the light on in the 'fridge before the door opens, or just as it opens?

And, if you open the 'fridge at night, with the kitchen lights off, does any dark get into the 'fridge before the door closes?

AHA!!!! So THAT'S what's been eating my leftovers!!!!!!!!! Frikkin dark mass.....
A black hole is black only in the sense that nothing can escape from it to the outside, hence the term "event horizon". matter crossing the horizon can and does give off radiation, lots of it. however as the mass approaches the event horizon the increasing gravitational force distorts time and causes it to slow "for the mass" the deeper into the hole the slower time "for the mass" the mass on the other hand sees time speeding up for the outside. in the hole time would run infinitely slow thus the hole takes infinite time to form.
as to the speed of dark, since light is a stream of photons, shutting off the light means terminating the stream at the source. the last emitted photon would cross at the same speed as the first. and that speed varies with the media the photons travel in. there are media in which light travels at 1 m/s

...and when it's been dark for a long time, it gets really really pitch-black dark???

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