North wanted to free the slaves, or so the issue goes...but can i ask why???
human rights and equallity are nice...but did the black african americans become really free?? Equal??? receive the same pay??? same schooling??? ...I know i will get a lot of ..."what do you know???your Canadian???
Can i ask this question...who threw millions of dollars into the Union coffers to fund the war???
who would benefit the most from freeing the slaves and have access to a cheaper source of labour????
Who started to feel the pinch from higher labour costs, strikes, and lost sales do to the souths abundant source of labour being virtually free????
Was this a war of making men equal and free?? or a war funded by huge industrialists from the North all looking for a cheap/strike free/long hour per week labourer????
If this is not so or not the reason....their sure must have been a lot of deep pockets in the north all trying to make men free and equal...
A lot more complicated. First, slavery wasn't the prime issue but 3/5 of the slave population counted as credit against one House of representative vote in the South - and the South had lost the HR.
Second, the North had control of House of Representatives and South lost on all tariff issues - meaning thaey had to 'buy' from North rather than Europe all manufacturing goods, and sell to North all Agricultural goods.
Slaves were noy emancipated until Gettysburg address in 1863.
At the end of the day, the War Between the States put nearly 5,000,000 men under arms for a 60,000,000 population - and THAT got Europe's attention!
The United States had less than 1200 officers and 30,000 men in the US army when the war started