Willi Reschke Letter

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Kris I would think you would be in a perfect advantage to interview many especially when it comes to December-January months and the Ardenne memorials attended by many..........

my only input is that my customer base for over 50% is the WW 2 age so treated them all honorably and they opened up for the ones that did serve overseas during the war. am in email conversation today with one vet of the 356th fg that was in ground crew. neat guy, now trying to find out what pilot and A/C type he worked with/on. One cardboard mailer goes out in the morn along with another, both guys in the same fighter group and I also wrote an email to another 356th pilot this morn I have never met ........... so ? Guess my point with Willi and others is just take the chance and write them and see if a repor builds up between the two of you, even after 60 years and the mind dulls some things have penetrated the soul so deeply first hand that they will never be forgotten and that's the stuff that is so unique, you will never hear of nor read in any generalized history

keep at it !

Erich ~
To Adler is gelandet:
Don´t worry, I´m sure you´ll get his answer soon. I got in touch with Willi some 10 monts ago and always got his answer till 10 days after I send him my questions. He´s really very kind person and you can speak to him what about you want...
I met him in Germany in June last year and our friendship become so strong that he decided to visit us. And he visited us in Slavicin (Czech Republic) last year at the end of September. I´d say you own his book so you could know that on August 29th 1944 he had to crash land near Banov after another Me109 shot him a half of his tail off by mistake. I´ve found eye witnesses of this event in Banov and Willi met them after 62 years last year...
You know I´ve been in touch for more than 2 years with former right waist gunner of B-17G (2ndBG,20thSqdn)that was shot down on the same day some 10 miles away from Willi´s crash landing place. This guy visited me in Slavicin 2 years ago and we visited him in New Jersey last year. He´s gonna visit us this year again and Willi promised me to visit us in the same period as he wants to got to know his former enemy... I´m really soooooo excited and can´t describe my feelings...
Just to believe me go to Reschke, Willi :: forum.valka.cz and http://www.ww2aircraft.net/forum/album/showphoto.php?photo=14110&cat=602

I bet you never seen this attached picture. It´s a picture of Willi´s Bf109G-6 ''white 6'' after crash landing near Banov. Mayor of Banov gave me this picture some months ago. The girl 1st from left is still alive and met Willi last year agin...

To Erich:
did you get the letter yet? Hope you like the picture

To all of you:
-as I know Willi never flew Me262 and never wanted to fly a jet. He´s a big TA152 fan and still says it was the best WW2 piston engine fighter...
-the highest altitude he ever flew with TA152 was 12.500 m

Best regards



  • Reschke 29.8.1944.JPG
    70.1 KB · Views: 160
Hallo Roman ! good to see you hear my friend. no the letter has not come yet, but will ...... 8)

good to see your posts as always

Erich ~ and thank you for posting the pics of Willi, yourself and others off the Czech site.
Wow that is great. I am really excited to see that he will probably write back. The letter I sent out was on Monday so maybe in a few days or early next week. I would like to meet up with him as well.
Roman I will write you as soon as I receive his letter. Yes the mail is very slow from here either getting it in or when I send it out ......

Erich ~ Roman, Adler is a great guy and yes Willi should respond very well to the questions.
I spent a lot of time on this forum by reading and know Adler and his knowledge... He´s the same crazy guy like you.8) Where the hell you guys take a time for all these forums? You should hear my wife...
Yeah, somebody takes this like a waisting a time but we have a chance to speak to the vets for only next few years and then there will be only their written or recorded memories..

can give you Willi´s phone # if you don´t have it. Just send me PM and the # is your...
I´ll meet Willi´s son on March 24th in Prague and we will watch the football match Czech Republic vs Germany... Ich erwarte ´nen kleinen Bierfest

O.K. guys, gotta go to sleep now, 11:10 pm our time and leave for a trip at 5:00 am tomorrow... Good night....

Thankyou for you kind offer. I am jealous that you are going to with Willis Son to the Czech - Germany game. I would love to go and see it. Oh well I will watch it on the TV! Drink a beer for me with him.
Well Adler, if I knew it earlier, I could maybe get a ticket also for you. Belive me, it was nothing easy as they limited the stadion capacity to some 12000 people.
I´ll try to ask my friend if there´s some possibility to get a ticket yet... I don´t think so but at least I´ll try it. Let you know on Monday8)

Good night

I appreciate it but I doubt I would be able to get the time to drive to the Czech anyhow even though I live near the Czech border in the good old Frankenland!

DerAdlerIstGelandet -I've been waiting and decided to ask - have you received the answer to your letter ??

No I am not unfortunatly. Willi actually had an accident a while back. (as was informed to me by someone else who personally knows him) Nothing serious thankfully. I am sure as soon as he finds the time he will respond.

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