Wurger's Birthday?

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Wayne Little

Oct 7, 2006
Adelaide Sth. Aust.
In our part of the world it is the 8th of April.....and a little bird told me that it is Wurgers's Birthday today...

Now if this is true, HAPPY BIRTHDAY Wojtek, hope you have a great day, my Friend!!!

Hi to all,

I've just looked at my watch and it is 01:06 here in Poland.And it is the 8th of April.Time really flies.It is my Birthday today.

Dear friends thank you for all your wishes.I'm very glad you remember about me. Thank you again.
Thank you all of you.

Dan you can always find a big jar of something for your heart and health at my fridge.
I would like to lift my glass to toast a man who has mad a lot of people on this forum happy with his siggys, and the information he has at hand
about German aircraft, their camo and paint schemes and their pilots.

Wojtek and I have become pals, and I am proud to call him my friend.

Sto lat Wojtku! Dużo zdrowia, pogody ducha, rozwijania zainteresowań, kochającej rodzinki i forsy na spełnienie extra życzeń! Spokojnej pracy!

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