ww2aircraft.net siggy...?

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Hmmm, most companies adjust their logo's every few years or so. A new one shouldn't hurt. I agree with comiso that the current one is not very good, much to crowded. A clear, simple but sophisticated sig would be better.
Nice composition but i like your siggy better.. I thing a masthead has to have some color. I like the vertical "video' lines. very nice

But no mods have shown interest... is all for naught?
well im throw my 2 cents into this as well with a couple. this is the first of mine

i tried to make it look sorta classic

I'm liking it! liking it alot!

only one suggestion from me,and that is to make the 2 in ww2 the same size as the ww's ,like this WW2

anyway Nice!
Cosimo, what if you took that banner you made and instead of the Corsair, make several - keeping the exact layout - but with different aircraft from the major countries involved. You could keep the sameness for recognition while showing the different aircraft. Have the different aircraft in the exact pose as the Corsair. Only the plane changes, nothing else. That might work?

I actually tried to do that already but I wasnt able to find other photos I liked as much. In addition to the angle of the Corsair, I like it's color. The bluish tint It goes well with the burnt orange background. Sure I can tint any photo but it's more natural with the corsair

Also, using more photos could raise permission issues. I dont want to get anyone sued! If you have a photo u want me to try, I'll be happy to plop it in.

or here is the photshop file:

also the compass and bullets could be switch out or deleted.

For any of you guys that are new to photoshop, you may want to download the .PSD to see how it is built. I used transfer modes, layer masks, radial blurs and perspective tools...




  • ww26.psd
    4.7 MB · Views: 114
  • ww30 copy.png
    30.2 KB · Views: 313

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