Your Favorite YouTube Music Video Clips....

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is this celtic music influences ?

Yup. Dropkick is an Irish-American Celtic punk band from Quincy, Massachusetts. Thus all the Boston songs and the the Red Sox having their Tesse song as their theme song- even the Pats are now playing their songs before games.

My kids and I love them. We all have just about every song on our iPods.

My son's birthday is March 17th. Each year we go downtown to an Irish band concert and he knows all the drinking songs thanks to Dropkick. It's a blast. (Yes, my 14 yr old knows the drinking songs and parties downtown every year!!) We make him wear a shamrock hat that says, "Today is my Birthday".

Can't wait until they come to Vegas again!!
The one with ELUVEITIE actually sounds very cool, I like the flute. Very cool.

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