Your Favorite YouTube Music Video Clips....

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Godsmacks insane drum battle.
I'm sorry, I just really like it. They look like they're having a blast and they are doing a darn good job of it.:lol:

I got to see that same Drum Battle when I saw Godsmack open for Metallica back in 2003. Man was that awesome! I love this band, and can't wait to see them again. Have you picked up the new album yet? It is very good.
*Sees Wojtek argue with his classmates back in the day, over what's best heavymetal or zynth music, which of course end up in a school yard browl*
One of the best Queen songs ever. Period.

No doubt about that. Queen is worldclass. But their videos... not so much. I remember the first time I saw Queen on a 1970s laserdisc at a local mall on display. I about lost my lunch. Bothered me for weeks as a young man.
Dan, that was freakin' awesome!!!!! Is that what a mashup is, combing two songs? Whoever did that knew the timing and proper key for those tunes.
One of my favorite Christmas songs is "In the bleak mid-winter". I was tooling around on Youtube looking for different groups and performers. I happened upon a gal named Corrinne May performing in a coffee shop out west. She has a very lovely voice and the performance is quite moving...


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