Zero + Zero = Zero

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Excellent Jeff,

This aircraft AI-I-129 is representative of a Nakajima produced A6M2 Zero and the Primary colour and control surface grey are very accurately portrayed on this Zero in their shiny and Glossy appearance. The original was discovered on Russell island in Feb 1943 and formally flown from the IJN Aircraft carrier Zuikaku for a brief period before being shot down.

The other Zero appears to reprent a model 22 A6M3 zero and should be in a Single green upper surface colour....looks like 2?
Correct, Wayne. X-133 is kind of a hybrid. It was found on Babo Island in the 80s and partially restored in Russia using parts from several aircraft, and some fabrication work.

This was at Chino in 2012. I don't know if I will ever see three together ever again in my lifetime.

Catching the fourth Zero I have seen fly in my lifetime at Oshkosh last year was magic.

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