1/32 Revell BF-110 G4 WIP

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Hello everyone and thanks for your kind words.

Here´s the weekend advance in the paint works. I really was stressed that it has been a difficult and slow advance (its shows the rust gathered through the years of leaving aside this hobby). I was innactive for around 1 1/2 year, and I feel it......

So, it was then decided the colours that were going to be applied to the kite, based also in the fact that the original decals are quite afew, and a model of this size should sport some more.... The kit decided was the following:

vanx 001.jpg

I always loved this kite with the famous Haifische that were found in northern France in the early 40´s, and then finding out that some of these squadrons were also used in the Reich defense inspired me to build this model.....

First I prepared an old model in order to make some tests to see the paint thickness, and to make sure that there should be no problems....

probe 01.jpg

Wind shield in place prior to the first hands of paint.....

vanx 01.jpg

Then continuing to detail some areas meanwhile applying the gloss black in the nose....
vanx 02.jpg

then the first hands of RLM 76
vanx 03.jpg

And after finishing with this base colour, it was decided the pattern of the camouflage in the upper surfaces....
vanx 04.jpg

as can be appreciated in the following image...
vanx 06.jpg

Another image of the splinter camouflage....
vanx 07.jpg

and then the applying of the dark gray, wich was decided to be applied with pastels in order to make more grays tones in the process....
vanx 08.jpg

And trying to apply this colours the more even as possible in the process....
vanx 09.jpg

And finally that is how it looks till today. This week I want to begin with the antennas and the cockpit and some further weathering in the upper fuselage.....

Any comments will be appreciated guys.... Have a nice one.
Hello Again my friends.

After a month of travelling quite a lot, during this past weekend finally I found some time to continue with the kite construction. I was eager to begin with the decal location works. The decals were bought from Peddinghaus.

As expected and due that there are some crevices in the fuselage beneath the nose decals, some areas of the decal surfaces began to crack after applying the Humbrol Decal Cote 2. And as you can imagine after manipulating the plane in order to place the decals, the following happened.....
Sin título-1.jpg

So after pondering how these details were going to be corrected it was finally decided that some acryllic paint was going to be applied over the nose decals to camouflage the openings.....

Then it were applied the fuselage decals but I didn´t like the transparent surface look (it looked like a change in the suface colour). I´m thinking in cutting separately the white lines from the rest of the decals. This also happened with the wing decals. as can be appreciated in the following image.....

And after detailing the nose with acrillyc paints, this is how it looks like before applying the gloss laquer and continue with the weathering works......

Hope you like it....
Hello again my friends. Its been a while since my last post, but as you can imagine when you start a new business, it takes a lot of time.

Here are some images of the advance so far performed in the good ol' BF 110 kite.
August 01.png

After performing some weathering in the fuselage, it was decided to continue with the cockpit in order to close it and continue then with the exterior. The pilot torso and legs were finally glued to their final place as well in the frame behind the pilot´s head.

August 02.png

Some oxygen and electric lines were added in these structures in order to impress more realism. I guess that the only area in the cockpit that can be opened at will is the upper access if the pilot.

August 03.png

Then in order to accomodate each guy in the cockpit simulating they are working, they were presented in order to locate the following pieces that were finished since April.

What do you think guys?
I like your work in the weathering, pilots and inside the booth. Looking good so far!

Saludos amigo! :thumbup:

Luis Carlos

Thanks a lot for ypur comments guys....

Here is an update of the weekend work in the kite. Have anyone felt that despite of the time you impress to the plane, sometimes you get the feeling that it taking WAY too long? Or is it just me?:shock:

First I found an image of a BF 110g with a different kind of nose weapons. In this image It just says "Bordkanonen". I don´t know if I can post this image cause the copyrights... Think that this guns are the Mk 108 with flame dampers.

And then decided to proceed with the change, and also because I found two Pak guns really similar to this cannon, and then added the horizontal stabilizers with metallized plastic.


Then continued with the rear gunner weapon platform along with its guns and ammo.....

Then proceeded to present the weapon, base and ammo in its place.


And after searching in the web for a while, it was decided that the props will be presented as if they were running at speed, as it can be seen in the next image, while presenting some laser printed blades in acetate worked in Corel Draw. What do you think guys?


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