Hello everyone and thanks for your kind words.
Here´s the weekend advance in the paint works. I really was stressed that it has been a difficult and slow advance (its shows the rust gathered through the years of leaving aside this hobby). I was innactive for around 1 1/2 year, and I feel it......
So, it was then decided the colours that were going to be applied to the kite, based also in the fact that the original decals are quite afew, and a model of this size should sport some more.... The kit decided was the following:
I always loved this kite with the famous Haifische that were found in northern France in the early 40´s, and then finding out that some of these squadrons were also used in the Reich defense inspired me to build this model.....
First I prepared an old model in order to make some tests to see the paint thickness, and to make sure that there should be no problems....
Wind shield in place prior to the first hands of paint.....
Then continuing to detail some areas meanwhile applying the gloss black in the nose....
then the first hands of RLM 76
And after finishing with this base colour, it was decided the pattern of the camouflage in the upper surfaces....
as can be appreciated in the following image...
Another image of the splinter camouflage....
and then the applying of the dark gray, wich was decided to be applied with pastels in order to make more grays tones in the process....
And trying to apply this colours the more even as possible in the process....
And finally that is how it looks till today. This week I want to begin with the antennas and the cockpit and some further weathering in the upper fuselage.....
Any comments will be appreciated guys.... Have a nice one.