Yes Gerry, it needs a lot of corrections!
I last built this kit back in 1978, straight out of the box, as it was a 'rush job' for an ex-Lancaster navigator, and I wasn't particularly impressed by what's provided for the high price of the kit - even back then it was around £25 !!!
Fortunately, I picked up my example at a very reasonable price this time around!
The radio operator's windows are too far forward by around 12 to 18 scale inches, the internal detail provided is either incorrect or in the wrong place, or both, and a few other minor things are wrong too. The bomb bay is a nightmare, with huge bomb locating pins to be removed, unless the un-realistic kit bomb load is used.
I'll be building it 'closed up', but with main door and cockpit windows open, in a diorama setting, but there will be a lot of internal scratch-building in those areas visible.