1/48 Me262B-1a/U1 "Red 8" - The Jet Age.

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Very nice.

Why toss the vinyl tyres? With a clean up and a bit of work they can be made to look realistic enough. I've heard that they don't age well, but I have a 5 or 6 year old model with vinyl tyres which look the same now as they did when I fitted them
Thanks guys. Steve, yes, I may just do that. I have a left over nose wheel from my Tamiya kit and don't really feel like spending 20 more bucks to get resin main wheels.
Been very busy with visitors in town and other stuff but tonight I sat down for an hour and saw again how mediocre the fit is on this kit. The intake and exhaust sections on the engine nacelles don't match well and I spent the whole hour filing and sanding the large steps and then adding putty to what remained to set overnight. No pics but maybe later in the week.
Andy, everything looks great! I'm very impressed by the cockpit details and the tub. I'm intrigued by Red 8's paint scheme. What paints do you plan on using?

Well, none this weekend so consider my enthusiasm well sucked. Summer was never a productive modeling time for me anyway as I spend most of it outdoors biking, hiking, golfing, etc. Hell, we only get 4 months of it here (if we're lucky) so there's lots to cram in.
Got a few hours in at the bench today so here's an update.

Far from finished, here's a look at the work needed on the nacelles to make the parts fit. A lot of meat has been removed at the intake end to match the main body and yet other areas needed a bit of putty to bring the surface up. There's still some work to do before I give them a shot of primer and do the final checks and rescribe the panels.

Next up, I had glued in the kit-supplied control column but somehow lost it. I did a complete scrub of my work areas and the floor and came up empty so resigned myself to making one from scratch. This I did using plastic rod, lead wire, card, and some Plasticine for the boot. The below pics show the part before paint and also installed.

I also finished the detail work in the wheel wells. Below shows the lead wiring that represents the actual harnesses going from the terminal boxes on the cockpit tub to the innards of the airframe.

The wells are now done with the wires painted, hydraulic tubing added, and the elevator linkage added to the bottom of the control column which protrudes through the tub.

This progress now allows me to get the wings on which, judging by the dry fits I've done so far, will be another challenge.

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