1/48 OS2U Kingfisher, Aussie bird.

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And what is this new job you are sacrificing what you love most for?
Bill, believe it or not I am low man on the totem pole at a local store of a major thrift organization. I unload trailers full of peoples junk and "pre-sort" it into various bins so others can go through it more closely and throw 95% of it back into bins that I then load onto other trailers. The 5% that they approve goes on the shelves to be sold to my wife.
"Ah, let's give this to the thrift shop, then i can go buy it again".
I once knew a guy who used to give his shirts and trousers to a thrift shop, then go back a few days later and buy them back for a pittance. As they laundered and ironed everything before putting on the shelves, he reckoned it was a cheaper way of getting his laundry done !!
Bill, believe it or not I am low man on the totem pole at a local store of a major thrift organization. I unload trailers full of peoples junk and "pre-sort" it into various bins so others can go through it more closely and throw 95% of it back into bins that I then load onto other trailers. The 5% that they approve goes on the shelves to be sold to my wife.

Really!?!? So your house looks like mine at Christmas. Hello brother.
Soon, very soon.
I want to finish the Stuka before GB#15 ends, and I have always had a problem keeping my hands off new kits, but all that is left to do is a flat coat and remove the canopy masking,...and a couple of finishing touches....

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