1/48 P-38 Lightning

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Thanks stich.. instructions said silver detail but had no indication so I took a wild guess ;D
Front is done. It is meant to open so thats why there is some gapage. But I omitted this because the latch would not work properly and I didnt spend heavy detail on the interior guns [buzz kill right?]. Believe me, for this kit this fit is good enough! Lol, almost there. The last picture is to show what a focused light does to a metal finish and how it totally tricks the eye, this pic is in normal room lighting. [The fifth gun is in there, just doesnt poke through the hole deep enough to see it on camera]


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Ok guys, first of all a BIG Thank you to everyone that followed and supported my build as it trotted along. This is the final picture of the this thread, as the next one will be in the completed kits section


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