1/48 P-47 Razorback - Tamiya Kit

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Ok, with the Corsair for GB21 completed, I returned to working on the Jug. I painted the rudder and cowl red in prep for masking and first coats of final finishing. I found a single complaint of the Tamiya kit. The sprue injection feeds are a tad thick on this kit. Sanding down the sprue "nubs" took some time and need your complete (aka, no watching Top Gear) attention. I did bollux up one of the lower wings and had to add a touch of putty and sand it back carefully in order to fix my lack of attention. I will say that the fit of this kit is nothing short of amazing! I am totally stunned with the wind joints. Very well engineered and tight. I cannot see any reason for any filling and/or sanding. Ditto for the horizontal stabs as well.

A question for you P-47 experts. Just where are the exhausts on this bird? I do not have much in the way of references for the Jug. I am just not sure how and where I need to stain on the exhaust for this thing. I know the plumbing for the turbo-supercharger is complex as hell. While I am not planning on weathering the hell outa this one, I would like to do some exhaust staining.

One question for you all. Does anyone have any experience with Gunze's various Mr Surfacers? My local LHS had a lil raffle thing going on and I won a bottle of Mr Surfacer 500. I have been playing around with it just a bit. I do like it for filling in some rough sanding/filing. For those of you who have the experience, any guidelines on when and the methods to using this stuff?

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Looking good.
The exhaust was actually via the supercharger outlet, in the 'blister' under the rear fuselage. This 'blister' was stainless steel, and often had some discolouration (of the steel) at the forward edge.
The outlets either side of the nose, behind the twin shutters, are the waste gate. There was sometimes some staining here, but nothing like you'd expect to see on a 'standard' exhaust outlet. That said, some photos show relatively heavy staining, whilst most show minimal, if any staining. It's a case of trying to find a clear photo of your subject, or failing that, one from the same unit, and replicating that.
Ok, I laid down some preshading and got the 1st coat of neutral grey on the belly. I still need to get one more coat of grey on. I am trying to get the preshading to just show through on this one. My assumption is Gabby's bird would have been kept in better shape due his being a leading ace at the time.


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