Smashing job Wayne. Seems a bit of a waste of time, the Germans putting all those markings on a thing that'll only make one flight - one way at that! Wonder what they say? Something like 'Don't touch!', 'If you did touch, now run like **** !!'
I agree, looking very, very nice! I know what the stencils in the first shot state too 'Don't stand here - Dumkopf, you vant zat you blowen off der goolies?!!'
Nice work again mate. I like the way the tailplane tabs interlock - should make for a nice square and firm fit.
Good idea about doing a V1, or maybe a V2, as a GB entry....hmm...!
Nice work again mate. I like the way the tailplane tabs interlock - should make for a nice square and firm fit.
Good idea about doing a V1, or maybe a V2, as a GB entry....hmm...!
Ah, but in a diorama, with that long ramp between the trees for the V1, or a clearing for the V2, the latter in 1/35th scale, the V1 in 1/48th scale, both available as kits BTW......
Ah, but in a diorama, with that long ramp between the trees for the V1, or a clearing for the V2, the latter in 1/35th scale, the V1 in 1/48th scale, both available as kits BTW......