1/48 Republic P-47D 368th FG 395th FS 'Miss Second Front'

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Looks great so far Peter. To bad about the decal though. If I know there might be a potential silvering problem I wet area with Future and "glue it down. Only problem is knowing that there is going to be a problem before it happens. Haven't exactly mastered that one yet.
Thanks Glenn and VB

I've tried the future method, but I have still got silvering from time to time with it. Need to practice my skills

Sooooo....sorry about the wait guys, but the new decal finally arrived, so it's back to finishing this one off.

Here's the progress on decals.

Pic 1
Underside Stars 'n' Bars added. I've used 55inch for both sides although some P-47's retained the smaller factory star under the starboard side. The decal sheet calls out 60inch for the underside, but I'm going with the 55inch.

Pic 2
Success! got MSF on very neatly and with great relief! 8) NO silvering!

Pic 3
Okay, I just have to show her off! With the nose art done, I'm working on all the small stencils and such. Once this is done she will get another coat of gloss and I can make a start on some of the weathering I have in mind for this one.

Thanks for looking and I'll be back soon with more.




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Todays update is about arming the P-47 with 50 cal.

Pic 1
Here you can see the Hasegawa sprue tree with the gun blast tubes attached. These are just plastic rods and have no detail and are not hollow. I decided not to use these.

Pic 2
Here's the replacement. After a bit of looking around I found this thin wall brass tube with an outside diameter of 1.0mm at the LHS. It was near enough in size to the plastic counterpart, so lets see how it goes.

Pic 3
Here they have been cut down to size. Nothing fancy to cut them. I used my usual hobby knife. Using the plastic ones as a guide to the length, I cut them by rolling the brass tube back and forth on the edge of the knife. They were cut just a little oversize and them sanded back for a good edge.

Pic 4
Here they are installed, dry fitted to check. I'll remove them for painting and re-install them with CA.

End of update.




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Thanks CR and T.

Well, got everything sorted today and here she is finished.

Some of the last jobs were:

Weathering wings and fuselage
Paint chips
Bomb funny faces!
Panel line wash
Guns smoke and oil leaks

I hope you like the result.


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