1/48 Republic P-47D 368th FG 395th FS 'Miss Second Front'

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Hey Peter, what do you use to weather you models?

Just trying to get an idea for when i attempt it at some point !

It's a combination of things Harrison. For this P-47 I did some pre-shading on the under-surfaces. For this technique you paint the panel lines in a dark colour, and then paint over this with the colour you really want. Most paints are actually transparent and this technique relies on the shading showing through. You control the effect by using light coats of thinned paint.

For the upper surfaces, I used post shading. What I wanted was to show wear on the wing and walkways and I did this by using a batch of paint of the original top colour mixed with white to tone down the areas. This is a bit tricky, as you need to control the paint flow. Very light coverage in those areas. To highlight some areas a bit more I used yellow.

Over the top of the shading I used a wash along the panel lines with water colour paint. I mixed two colours, black and burnt sienna, with a bit of dish detergent. Used this for both top and bottom. I also used a wash of raw sienna/burnt sienna for the undercarriage, tyres and wheel wells.

After this I used a paint called 'Tamiya Smoke' to add oil stains, dirt etc and used aluminium to do paint chipping. Less is more with this, so having a reference photo is always great to compare. That's a quick run down Harrison. It's always good to practice with some of the old airframes in the 'junkyard' with some of the above before trying on the latest project.



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