1/48 Revell AT-6 Texan

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That's perfect Wurger and thank you twice. I'm a total computer dork(my kids used to applaud when I somehow managed to turn one on) but will strive to do this properly. Just spent 8 hours on the road so might get an update in later. Again, thank you.

Hey all,
It's 5:20pm my time. The person I'm "borrowing" the internet from finally got his up and running. Working my last of 6 shifts in the mine tonite, off at 7am tomorrow morning, and then 300k drive home. Should be able to post something in the afternoon or maybe sleep.
Thank for showing support and now its off to the coal mine, literally.(just got a brand new toy yesterday. 2500hp/240tons of rock hauling happiness.)

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Just started to spray on the primer when "she who must be obeyed" complained about the smell.(windy,rainy,+8C outside). Small scratch on the canopy so on with the Future and waiting for that to dry. Noticed an error on the instruction manual regarding mounting the engine to the fuselage. The part has to be rotated 180 to fit properly. Will post something later tonight in my usual chaotic manner.
Couple of pictures showing the landing gear, wings attached to the fuselage and the primered model.(Primered isn't a word? Well it is in my world Mr. Spell-check.) I am most impressed with the wing/fuselage join. No filler or filing, just add glue. A first for me on any model. The last photo is of the instruction sheet. If you glue the firewall as shown it will sit too low. Ahhhh, that hole behind the cockpit in 3 photos. That was supposed to be filled after the fuselage was joined together(Sigh). On my "authentic" profile, the antennae is behind the cockpit and not on the cowling as per the model. I'll fill it with sprue and re-drill it tomorrow because the hole is far too big.

Great looking build. Especially impressed with the landing gear, VERY realistic. If the rest of the paint scheme comes out like that it will be a stunner. Very funny subject by the way, got a kick out of that article.
Thanks Airframes. That post was my third attempt at posting. By then I was becoming deranged and looking for a fight. Spell-check is always right(unless you have friends that hack your spell-check). Letting things dry thoroughly and should start slapping paint on tonight. The landing gear is as it came out of the box, no detailing required.

Thanks all, Geo
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Looking good George. The reason your pics aren't lining up vertically is that they're different sizes. I think the posting guildines are max 800 pixels wide. If you make each pic that size, they'll stack nicely. At least they do on my machine.
Thanks for the heads-up Andy. A.D.D strikes at everything (hey, a penny!!) I do. Post 5 photos, 5 different sizes. That stops now and hopefully saves Wurger further grief. Travel day back to work so no updates for a week though I did plug the hole behind the cockpit.

Thanks all for the kind words.

All is looking good here. Is there still any problem with posting pictures by you George? Feel free to ask if you need any explanation, please.

And a nice progrees on the model. Looking very nice.
Sorry for the delay in posting. Bit of a cancer scare but all is good. (What is the doctors obsession with my keester. Once is an exam, twice is a date. And then an audience, interns, female, in the exam room, inserting a wee tiny camera in a spot that was never, ever meant to accept one.) Anyhooo...the painting begins. Trying Tamiya masking tape for the first time and then sealing the edges with an acrylic hobby paint. I am going to use Humbrol 24 for the yellow. How long should I wait before applying an enamel over an acrylic? Also, after that dries, I will apply Tamiya X-17 Pink acrylic over the enamel. How long should i let the Humbrol set up? This could be a nightmare as I don't know how the pink will cover the yellow so I'm going to try and run the masking tape exactly over the edge of the yellow. Any help would be grateful.


Thanks Wurger, I think Andy set me straight and you've been a great help. We will see if I've learned anything when I submit the paint photos.
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