1/48 SBD-3

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I picked up the Pro CA debonder while surfing one of the many modeling discussion forums. I can't remember which one or who it was but they essentially were questioned why their PE work looked so clean and he said he used Pro CA debonder. He recommended using a microbrush to apply the debonder so I picked up the debonder and a set of superfine microbrushes from EBay.

The bristles on the microbrush must be attached with CA glue because they will work loose after a few uses of the debonder. Other than that, the system works great. Alleviates a lot of the fear associated with working with PE. You can even use the microbrush after the bristles come off as a CA applicator.
Cool! Thanks for the reply, very timely as I am eyeballs deep in PE at the moment. I did order some de-bonder. Oh and a tip, can't claim this as my own, but those micro-brushes are actually eyeliner brushes sold in the same exact size and shape for a fraction of the price in the woman's cosmetics aisle. They are actually made by the same company.
Thanks! This months Finescale Model mag has an article about painting an SBD-5 and while mine will not be the same it was a good read! All the pics I can get are certainly helpful!

Robert, I'll be following along too. I have this month's FineScale magazine sitting on top of my Accurate Miniatures 1/48 SBD-5 kit. It'll be in the que of the next 4 or 5 aircraft that I build.

By any chance did you read this thread?

Fit problems with 1/48 Accurate Miniatures SBD Dauntless - FineScale Modeler - Essential magazine for scale model builders, model kit reviews, how-to scale modeling, and scale modeling products

Just wanted to be sure that you've seen it.


Thanks Mike, I had not seen that particular thread before. Had a read, hopefully the issues will not be as bad as some of them mentioned. I am knee deep in PE on that kit now which has really slowed me down. If 1:48 is this bad I cannot even fathom 1:72 PE!
Need a little help if anyone can figure this out. In the diagram below the assembly calls for a piece of plastic it has the measurements above it that say diameter - 1 mm and length 1.4 mm. Or at least that is how I interpret them. Am I on the right track?
I thought that was so, but also wanted to make sure the overstruck zero meant diameter and the "l" meant length. Makes no sense any other way but through long painful experience have learned not to assume.

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