1/48 Tamiya F4U1 Corsair

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Here is an update on my build. I sprayed the aircraft with future and added the Decals.

I chose to do Lt. Danny Cunningham's Corsair. Cunningham was a 7 kill ace with VF-17 the Jolly Rogers. I decided to do Cunningham's Corsair as it had the Split Numbers for the Aircraft ID (seen on later F4U's) and because most of the VF-17 Corsairs I have seen modeled have been predominantly those of Ira Kepford, Tommy Blackburn, Chico Freeman and Butch Davenport. I Believe Cunningham scored 4 of his 7 kills in one day.

Extreme Closeup

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Okay folks,

Here is another update on Lt. JG. Danny Cunningham's bird. I did the panel lines using an oil mix of brown and black but mostly brown. Darker lines such as those near the ailerons had a heavier black mix to make those lines look darker. For the fuel filler cap which is painted in red, I used my punch and die set to punch out a mask on a piece of Tamiya tape. I then masked off the area and sprayed some Testor's insignia red. I think it turned out quite well. For my matte varnish I used Vallejo's Model Air Matte Varnish.

Next up, I am going to add some exhaust and oil streaks as well as a general dirtying up of the aircraft. Hopefully, I won't go overboard on this step.

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Here are couple of shots of Cunningham.

Cunningham (3rd from the left) with a group of other VF-17 Pilots.

This I believe is another shot of Cunningham in the cockpit of an F4U. It's not his aircraft number 15 and it looks like it has the 1943 National Insignia with the red outline.


I'll be reviewing all your postings before I get stuck into my NAS Livermore F4U1.
You've gotta beauty there.
Can't wait to see the legs on it.

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