1/48th scale Hurricane MkIIc, 136 Sqn, India, 1943.

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Benevolens Magister
Aug 24, 2008
Cheshire, UK
I decided to make a start on this, the second build of aircraft flown by Flt.Sgt R.W. 'Bob' Cross, DFM, the highest-scoring RAF pilot in ACSEA during WW2. (See Commonwealth GB for his Spitfire MkVIII, and background info.)
Despite some erroneous information in various publications, including some by respected historians/authors, with the aid of Bob's Log Book, I was able to confirm that he flew Hurricane '637' on 2 May, 1943, destroying one Army Type 97 bomber, and damaging a '01' Oscar, both confirmed.
The Log Book entry does not give the full serial number, and neither is the individual code letter shown, but a search of Hurricane serial number listings indicates this aircraft was almost certainly BN637, a cannon-armed MkIIc. As for the code letter, I'm still researching this, as this period was one of transition, with very often no squadron codes displayed, only the individual letter, and non-standard, 'un-official' roundels pre-dating the official 'SEAC' two-tone blue variety.
The only suitable kit I could obtain was the 1964 vintage Monogram example which, although requiring quite a lot of work, and a few corrections, is generally accurate overall.
The upper wings display raised detail, with the gun access hatches for the mg armed Mk1 and MkIIA/B, whilst the undercart bay is non existent, and inaccurate in outline. (PICS 2 and 3)
These will be corrected, with engraving, minor surgery and some extensive scratch-building.
The tail-planes need some work, not least being the re-shaping of the trailing edge of the elevators. (PIC 4)
The fuselage access panels need to removed and re-engraved correctly, as do the hand hold and 'kick-in' footstep, and the exhaust shield needs to be removed. (PIC 5)
The biggest area needing attention is the cockpit, with only a very basic bulkhead, a pilot figure and a decal for the instrument panel being supplied! (PIC 6).
I could use the new Aires resin cockpit set, but that feels like cheating, so a large amount of scratch-building will be done in this area.
The surface detail on the wings seems heavy at first glance, but, after a very light sanding, and a primer coat, it should replicate the 'mushroom' headed rivets quite well, whilst some other areas will be re-engraved as required.
I hope to start on the corrections in the next few days, and I'll post some more pics soon.


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And I thought you're skipping the group build because you needed a short break Terry... :lol:
Not a GB this one, but I guess the break is over then. Cool stuff my friend. 8):D
I say, thanks awfully chaps!
I've started to remove the unwanted wing 'detail', and hope to get the initial engraving completed over the next day or so. There's a fair amount of preparation work to undertake before any 'true' construction can take place, but I should have some pics soon. Once that's out of the way, then it's time to start the scratch-building of the cockpit, and move on to general construction.
Watch this space !!
Bilmey Terry
You certainly are a glutton for punishment!!!
Seriously we appreciate all your efforts look forward to seeing the progress of the model watching your fantastic attention to detail turn into another brilliant memorial to Bob
Max Barbara
Well, after around four hours work, the machine gun hatches have been removed and the whole area sanded relatively smooth, ready for engraving the cannon hatches. The relatively heavy rivet detail on the wings has been subdued, leaving a trace, as the wing had dome head rivets, and work has started on the underside of the wing and the wheel bay outline.
The unwanted detail and exhaust shields on the fuselage have been removed, and the cockpit sills thinned down, ready for engraving the correct removable panel joints etc.
The treated areas will be polished after the engraving, to remove any small scratches or imperfections, and these will be further disguised by a primer coat.
So now I'm about to take a deep breath and start the engraving. I also need to make the BFM bulges for the cannon feed hatches, and cut out the areas for the wing leading edge landing lamps. (I'm hoping to be able to fabricate the lamp covers from a clear plastic cover from one of my scalpels, rather than sand and polish a 'solid' piece of clear sprue.)
Then it'll be time to scratch- build the main wheel bays, before moving on to the cockpit.


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Thanks Lewis. I hope to have the wheel bay and wing completed by tomorrow, or Wednesday latest - then it's playtime in the cockpit!!

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