1/48th scale Hurricane MkIIc, 136 Sqn, India, 1943.

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Grrr! Got the gun hatches on the port wing slightly out of line across the chord!! Should be able to tidy it once primed though - I hope.
Other engraving seems to be OK, but I won't get any more done now until tomorrow - Max and Barbara are visiting today, to collect the Spitfire.
I havent done any scribing must not be very fun.
Guys I hope you dont mind me interupting this threat but many of you followed Terry's tremendous Spitfire build which is now complete and perhaps you wont revisit that site now the build is complete. I have just posted a final note on the site as a thank you to Terry.
I just wanted to post it on this site as well so you all pick it up:

To close this one out I need to say that Barbara I visited Terry this week to pick up the Spit. To say that it is a masterpiece is an understatement!!!
In the 'flesh' it is a fantastic peice of work - the detail is mind blowing.
When I set out to give Barbara her family a lasting memorial to their uncle I obviously wanted something fitting and what Terry has produced has far exceeded our expectations and it stands as a testament to Bobs bravery and especially all those other guys who sacrificed so much in the 'forgotten war'.
Terry its 'magic' thanks a million!!
Max, Barbara all the other members of the 'Cross family'
Thanks very much for the kind words Max and Barbara!
Yes, scribing is great fun - cleaning up afterwards is not so good though!
I made a few 'slips' in the scribing, as already mentioned, but these have now been rectified and just need cleaning and polishing, which will be evident in the photos.
PIC 1 Shows the holes drilled in the nose for the generator vents, which will have their 'tubes' fitted later, and also the hole for the port side starter hand-crank. Further aft, the removable panels have been engraved and the fasteners counter-sunk, and the hand hold has been opened, ready to fit the folding flap. Not visible here is the hole in the lower rear fuselage for the lifting/jacking point. Once the engraving has been tidied and polished, the cockpit ventilation louvres will be made from stretched sprue.
PIC 2 Similar work on the starboard side, again awaiting clean-up.
PIC 3. The cannon hatches are engraved, and again await clean-up, with the feed blisters made from scraps of sprue, yet to have the final sanding to shape completed.
PIC 4. The wing underside, with the locating holes for the stores blanked off internally, ready for filling, and the spent shell and links ejector slots cut into the surface. Also shown, near the trailing edge, is the hole drilled for the downward recognition lamp.
PIC 5. The wheel bay under construction, with details and the 'roof' yet to be added. The method of construction calls for the main gear legs to be fitted at this stage, so the extreme outer sections of the bays will not be 100% accurate, due to the fact the gear legs are designed to be retractable, although they'll be cemented in the 'down' position. Unfortunately, there's no way to avoid this step, so I'll have to play it by ear.
I hope to have this stage finished in the next day or so, and then continue with the main wing, cutting out the locations for the landing lamps and nav lights, before moving on to the cockpit area.
Thanks for your interest to date.


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as a amateur it never stops but amaze me just how good you chaps are and the detail you can put in to such a small space,from a very humbled old fogey a very well done so far
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Thanks very much Andy and WJ, it's appreciated. Nearly finished the wheel bays, should have some pics tonight.

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