1/48th Tamiya Brewster Buffalo B339

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Lieutenant General
Apr 10, 2009
South Carolina
Seeing all the incredible work you guys/guysettes have been doing, I've been bitten by the modeling bug once again in my life.

I will be building the Brewster B339 Buffalo flown in the Pacific Theater, specifically with the Netherlands East Indies Air Corp, Java Island Feb 1942. It would have been nice if I had been bitten a tad earlier so I could have joined the Group Build! This plane is similar to the example in the Dutch Air force Museum Soesterberg in Holland.




Good to see you back in the game mate! I'm sure you can still join the build, we have much time left.. go start a thread and get rolling!
I'm with Mag and Wayne here! There's still over two months left until the end of this GB, so Get it in the GB man! Just have a look at the rules and picture requirements, posted in the Group Build general section, so that you know what's required in the way of info etc.
It'll be great to have you with us, and a neat choice of subject too.
Seeing all the incredible work you guys/guysettes have been doing, I've been bitten by the modeling bug once again in my life.

I will be building the Brewster B339 Buffalo flown in the Pacific Theater, specifically with the Netherlands East Indies Air Corp, Java Island Feb 1942. It would have been nice if I had been bitten a tad earlier so I could have joined the Group Build! This plane is similar to the example in the Dutch Air force Museum Soesterberg in Holland.

It's still not there in Soesterberg, I was there 4 weeks ago.
I recomend reading Dutch profiles, bi-lingual (Dutch and English)they also provide the right decals:
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