1/700 IJN Kaga and Akagi (Pre WWII) - Unofficial GB

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Oh.. BTW... Kaga in 30'

Managed to fit in some time here...

fitted the starboard funnel with the 6 small supports as shown...fiddly little buggers to deal with...


  • 25_Stbd Funnel  Supports_3174.jpg
    25_Stbd Funnel Supports_3174.jpg
    63.1 KB · Views: 127
  • 26_Funnel Supports_3172.jpg
    26_Funnel Supports_3172.jpg
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Nice Wayne. Odd choice to route the funnel considering how the rest of the world designed carriers though given that deck space is a premium, understandable.Geo

Your right George rather odd I will agree....but Carriers were in their infancy at this time and it was probably thought that the smoke and turbulence would disrupt the Light Biplanes operations.

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