1/72 Italeri Hs 126 B1; MTO Group Build

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Mighty fine work gambit!

Thanks Maglar.

Should have some more pics up in a couple of days. I had planned on getting the engine cowling all finished today, but we had the landscapers over and three hours later, the day was shot.
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Boy I am grumbling working on 1/48 and magnifying glasses and here you are at 1/72?well it looks good so far.I built one of these years ago by another manufacture but maybe the same moulds and it came out real nice.Cheers Kevin
This is a very cool looking plane. I think I might have to go get one some day.

Very Very cool8)

The kit is out of production but they are always floating around on e-bay or in some hobby stores. I bought two of the Hs 126's along with two of the Airfix Hs 123's for a grand total of 24$ - 6$ a kit.
F***...........I wish I could get 4 kits for that much...

I just did a quick search on Google and there were at least a half dozen Hs 123's going for 6$ or less and a couple of Hs 126's going for $9 or less.

Sometimes it takes a while to find them though. Like a certain Italian Bird I have been scouring the net for about 6 months and I JUST found it thanks to some help from a friend.
The cockpit is nearly finished and the fueslage halves have been joined together. I still need to add the PE seat belts to the forard pilot's seat and then add the seat to the cockpit but there's plenty of room to do that.

Here's the pics:

In fact, you can see the waist belts for the forward seat just to the right of the forward fuselage, next to a section of hypo-dermic needle tubing that I cut for a gun barrel for another project.

Next step is to start applying the camo colors to the fuselage and finishing up the engine canopy. I'm going to do the camo for the entire fuselage separately from the upper wings to minimize any chance of overspray on the lower surface of the parasol wing.

Where! LOL.

I searched and got 20 dollars

Well I build 1/48 scale, that may be the price difference.

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