1/72 Scale S2G Tracker 816 squadron

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I thought this a pretty good photo I'm really sorry I tossed out my one of the RAN one during a very recent house cleaning I took it in i took in Townsville in 77/78


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Hi wildcat

I cannot see any evidence of the top array in any of those vids.

Luv the sound of the grumman as she is powering up. And the Melbourne was just tiny when operating these aircraft

Anyway, here are some further progress shots. I have only dry fitted the fuselage at this stage, and the thing was covered in dust at the time i took the shots, because I had some trouble fitting the wing assembly onto the fuselage. i think the rear firewall might have spread the fuseage a little. it will fit, but I am up for some putty work I think

Am still trying to perfect the control columns. will post them at another time, once I have something a little more decent.


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and just one more...shows what is visible with the two halves joined....not much as matt says


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Its something that still needs to be finished off Harrison. There is about 0.5 mm left to do. I will do the final bits just before gluing the two hlves of the fuselage together.

How is your P-40 coming along?
Interesting build mate..can't wait to see more progress. It is always nice to see a break from Bf109s, Mustangs, Hurricanes, Corsairs, FW190 and all the other common makes (except of course Spitfires!!:) ).

Good luck mastering the new skills you want to learn.

Sure is. I hope you are only staging your landing gear and props. Those are some fragile bits to have hanging around at this stage. Love your aft cabin work!!!! :cool:

Note you can also drill out your side cooling venturies for the radar electronics. Easy to do and a nice touch.
Its something that still needs to be finished off Harrison. There is about 0.5 mm left to do. I will do the final bits just before gluing the two hlves of the fuselage together.

How is your P-40 coming along?

Very nicely! Wojtek is a huge help!

You building a P-40 Harrison????

Yes, I am! :lol: Wojtek is giving me the things to do (Which I think him so much for!) And I'm doing the work!
well, I am heading into unknown territory now. I have cut the rear hatchway and fabricated a replacement hatch. Seems to fit okay. I needed to undertake some puttying behind the door, to fill some gaps in the sctrachbuilt decking and firewall that have put in. This cutting open of the hatch will be necessary if any level of visibility is to be achieved. Matt is right....it will otherwise be a total waste of time because of the limited visibility from the cockpit glazing

The question for me now is is there any way to swing this hatch on some sort of hinge system, to make it adjustable, or do I just glue it open and be done with it. Anyone got any suggestions of opinions. Or have I just ruined $30 worth of kit????

Anyway here are the shots


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Yeah thats the logical thing to do i think.

You mentioned something about the radar array, wich i did not quite follow. Any chance of a clarification.

Also, I am still unsure about whether the Aussie E/G models carried the aradar above the cockpit. I still have not been able to confirm. Does anyone know if the E/G models actually carried this array??? It does appear in any of the photos i have located. i cannot recall it ever being visible. A simplified schematic might help solve the issue.......

I am going to have another go at the control sticks tonite. I am still not happy with the result i am achieving...
some further progress shots.

Have been busy for the last couple of days, so not a lot to report. I have just about finished the cockpit detail and the underside dome array. I have finished the shaping of the control columns, and the stinger array, but I havent painted it just yet. Received the decal sheets. I have put the interior furniture in for the last time, and started to putty around the engine cowlings.

I did a really poor job on the turbinlite ....had some glue on my fingers that I didnt know was there, and messed things up in a big way as a result....best left to the imagination how i reacted to this...

I am just about ready to join the two halves before painting the underside.

Visibility of the interior is still very limited, and one thing I am considering is to put a small fibreoptic light up through the display case to the interior to the model. This will light up the interior and make it easier to see things in the interior. The light needs to be ultra small, I am currently sussing out availability. Hopefully I will find something suitable.

Generally happy with progress, though my skills are still below par. I am achieving all that I set out to do, but the final product is still not as good as I hoped

Anyway, here are some progress shots....


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