1/72 Short Stirling BIII - Heavy Hitters II GB

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That looks top's Glenn and look forward to more when you get back. Happy 4th July and have a good holiday and am assuming you'll be on the lake.
........and am assuming you'll be on the lake.
Sure am. Today I've already been out fishing, out kayaking, And out pulling people around behind my boat on a tube and it's only lunch time. I'll need to go back to work to rest. I'd post some pictures but I don't know how to from this phone.
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Glenn, that is some really lovely detailing. I wish we had some miniature cameras or something that would allow a walthrough of the model after it gets buttoned up. The great pity with these fantastic interiors is that they often are not visible after the model is completed.
Thanks guys, been filing and sanding the fuselage joint a little at a time. What a job! Even though the joint didn't look too bad because of the shape of the Stirling's fuselage with the flat top and bottom even a small misalignment or uneven molding mean that the entire top or bottom has to be filled flat. Lots and lots of plastic dust around here and all the rivets on the top and bottom are now gone. I'll try to get some pictures tonight.

That sure is the truth, thats why I've limited this one to the cockpit only where hopefully most of it will still be able to be seen through the clear canopy.
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Pictures as promised though a bit late. The fuselage sanding is now done with the exception of the fairing in of the clear parts which I know I'll have to do. The rivets are gone and I won't do anything to replace them although I will put back a few of the panel lines. I knew this would happen going in to this kit and that's what kept me from making it for so long, but I decided to go ahead and live with the fact that it wouldn't be as good as I would have liked. I'm going to do some panel shade variations when I paint it so hopefully that will somewhat make up for the blatant lack of rivets.

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