"Do you really think that snakes are the only pets that have harmed people? 4.7 million Americans are harmed by dogs? Should we stop having dogs as pets????! "
I'm sure most of those people were harmed by fighting dogs (like the Pitbull).
Go and read the statistics, only 50% were harmed by fighting dogs.
IMHO(WIR) regardless of what pet you want to keep, use some dam fricken common sense!
Unless the snake was a master picking locks or could use a blow torch, the owner was careless to some degree.
Agreed, that is what I am saying. If you take the proper precautions, nothing is going to happen. 15 years and nothing has ever happened to me or my family when it came to snakes.
I am a former snake owner. I had a Red-tailed Columbian Boa. It was the most docile animal on the planet, until it became hungry or agitated by strangers. In time, it became too large for me to keep, and I donated it to the San Diego Zoo. As long as I had it, it never attacked myself or anyone else, I kept it well fed and in a stress-free environment.
I think that having children bears additional responsability, no matter what you might have in the home...dogs, snakes, weapons, swimming pools, vehicles, etc...
Not too long ago, while a mother stepped into the other room, her child choked on Fruit Loops. So again, the responsability falls on the parents to make sure the child is in a safe environment. I don't think it would be fair nor logical to attack the makers of Fruit Loops and have them banned or restricted all because the parent was negligent which created a tragic situation.
Very good post.
Gaugreist, you are missing the point.
You have a large snake in the same home as children, you take precautions to make sure both are secure.
This has nothing too do with cherrios.
Its about a dangerous snake who will do what it is genetically programmed to do.
And why did it happen? Because precautions were probably not taken! It is not the snakes fault, but rather the owner.
from the story...
Looks like you already have "mega sized snakes" in the wild.
If anything, this guys stupidity is shown by the fact that he didn't have proper caging forthe animal, and I suspect, may not have been feeding it enough.
Most wild animals don't kill for pleasure.
I agree with you Sys, if you have kids in the house, you should take precautions, but millions of dog owners all over the world don't, and one snake owner obviously didn't.
Another rational post, from a rational person.
And if a snake even for a moment gets the idea that it can eat you for lunch, then it wont hesitate to give it a try. It's simply the nature of reptiles.
Only if it is hungry. Snakes do not go around killing for the fun of it. If you keep them in a proper enclosure and feed them properly, you can handle them all day long without fear of being bitten or "eaten".
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