A different kind of flying....

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Staff Sergeant
May 29, 2009
Hamlet, NC, US
I had the opportunity this weekend to take a different kind of flight. A couple that are friends own an ultralight experimental powered parachute aircraft. While I would never have even seriously thought about flying in one, they offered. I knew about the reputation they have as unsafe, but if I trust anybody with my life, it is Steve. He is a retired Highway Patrol Captain and plays everything by the numbers. That a/c was cleaner than my silverware so I had reasonable confidence.

I gotta say that it was an absolute blast! I've always loved flying, but this was different. Being able to see the ground between your feet was disquieting, but at the same time exhilarating. Would I spend the money to buy and fly one? Nah. Would I fly again if they offered another opportunity? Oh, yeah!


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Diddy, looks like a blast, i almost bought one a few years ago. there was a guy selling one at a motorcycle show. the whole thing fit in a small trailer and takeoff was from any country road with little traffic. he had a two seater version and we flew for about a half hour. should have bought the damn thing
That's pretty cool!

They have a smaller version that you actually strap on like a back pack - not sure I'd fly that one either! :lol:
Nearly bought the 'back pack' version about four years ago. As an experienced parachutist, and one time PPL, the whole concept really appealed to me - fly around 'gracefully', enjoy the freedom (within reason, in UK airspace!), a bit of 'hedge-hopping', and land on a sixpence (dime).
Then reality kicked in !
Suffering from RA, how the h*ll would I strap the thing on, let alone fly it?!!
Really envy your experience there Diddy !

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