A few ground rules for the new folks

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Gentlemen, all the guys in charge of this forum are doing one hell of a job and my hats off to the lot of ya. As for the ASS-HAT with no respect for rules and, it seems life in general, he needs to go away. People like that is a good reason to throw some clorine into the gene pool.

Good job guys, this is a great site.

hes right and we all know it keep up the good work
I'm seriously thinking of starting a thread called "You know this guy's a NooB here if..."

(although I suspect the first crack will be taken at yours truly)

But I just LOVED that Bart Simpson sight gag!!!!
Is the Arado Ar234 the one you mean by first jet bomber?
Yeah I have a picture and write up but no url to send it from.

hi, i am a newbee, will obey the rules!! but has anyone any thing on erich hartmann, ace of aces ?? karayamary1

1st post, wrong thread.

Yes indeed this is the "rules" thread.

Perhaps the forum also needs a thread "How to make relevant posts in the correct thread"

Wasn't Eric Hartman the brother of Mary Hartman {Mary Hartman}?
Dear Members:

I have just joined this board. I found it by looking for info on the YB-36.

I have just retired from the MI Army National Guard. Part of my military service was in the Active US Air Force. In 2003 - 2004, my National Guard Company was called to active duty and I served in Iraq. I was in both Baghdad and Mosul during my tour. I am very proud of my military service.

I have been a modeler since 7th Grade. I have built a great many models over the years and have earned a few awards.

I build mostly aircraft and ships in various scales.

I am also a model railroader and model rocketeer. I am also quite a book worm.

I will be happy to answer any questions you have about this newbie to your forum.

And just maybe, I can help answer a question now and then on WWII history and aircraft.

Bill G.

Welcome Bill....
Sounds like you have some information to spread, Bill. Look in other forums. I hope you are not a "One Post Wonder". Chances? You are.

See ya around.
I really doubt I will be a one post blunder.

See, this is my second!

I will be wandering around the many topics. There seems to be much to explore around these parts.

And if I think I can add something to the topic, I will.

Bill G.

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