A good first shot

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There's nothing 'Dear' about Cynthia - she's a 300 pound Hippocroccofrog sumo wrestling instructor, and only pretends to be my secretary so she can steal some lard when I'm not looking.
If that's the thing that's going on here, Cynthia only have to sit on old boy and it's 'Game Over'....I've heard they can tipple over a car by just leaning on it!
Darned Y*nks! Don't appreciate good food when they see it! Bugs, snakes, slugs, roots etc, are great when stuck up the ulu without anything else - and yes, I've had my fair share. But Haggis, with tatties and neeps - wonderful.
Oh, of course, only when in season - and shot or captured in the half hour before dawn... on the right hand circuit of the moor !

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