Aermacchi MB 339A Pan 1/48 scale

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Thank Andy.

The dark blue is all done, I did four separate light coats building up each time. Now I'm spraying a couple of coats of Future on it so it can harden nicely overnight.
Quick progress report.

The blue was progressively sprayed on in small doses and after about the third spray I decided the colour was just a tad to light so changed to a French Blue. After a couple more sprays this is what came out.

The masking removed to reveal the white areas ready for the decals.

This was the heart stopping moment, would the white areas be the right size and shape for the decals. Here the cheat line and top wing decals have been applied with I might add, a complete success.

Now I'm letting it sit until tomorrow so the decals are truly dry before turning over and adding the tri-colours on the underwings.
At last, it is done and in the long run I feel it came out quite well. In the end I found the decals suited well though they are very thick and not willing to take on bumps, bends or corners so a bit of tweaking had to be done. Anyway here are a few shots of the finished product though I do note now that I've taken some pictures that in a couple of places I have blistering on the decals....


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