Airfix 1/24 P-51d

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Nice work. The tanks were suspended from two loop lugs, directly under the pylon, which you'd need to fit before fitting the tanks (!).
Are you adding the fuel and pressure hoses?
Airframes--Yes I'm planing on fuel lines but that's so far down the track...

Small bits of headway;

I worked a bit on the scoop.

I also wasted heaps of time mucking about with an oil cooler which was way too big, sigh... All in the bin now, must attempt to make a smaller one.

Started working on adding a little texture to the fuselage. The MDC rivet tool is not my friend.

Don't want too much just a little.

Tail got a bit of attention.

I've managed to somehow loose the bottom port side tailpiece. I'll need to scratch up a replacement. lucky it's a pretty simple piece.

Most of my time was spent on knocking together some new main tires. The rubber ones from the kit look way too small and well just wrong to me. Here's the really rough replacements I'm bodging together.

I cast some resin blanks up and I'm now trying, not too well by the looks of these close ups, to cut some tread into the tires. The hubs will need a bit of attention too. But where's the fun in building a kit OOB?

Still sputtering along. Thanks for stopping in for a look.

Wow! Looks like your putting a lot of time and effort into this! Looking great so far Dan! Keep up the good work. Oh, and Terry and Wurger know there stuff and are great at helping folks out.
Great stuff, I love those tyres! I wouldn't worry too much about getting the oil cooler and radiator absolutely right, as nothing much can be seen, even with the rear shutter open.
Thanks for all the encouragement, guys. The support is really appreciated.

Not much done today as I was back at work. Mostly just cleared off the bench and cleaned up a bit.

Late Santa gifts came in the mail, Yahooooooooo!

Eduard placards and seatbelts plus Hobby decal stencils and Airscale instrument panel decal. Just awaiting some markings from Ebay to add the cherry on top.

Great work Dan. I really like those stabilizers you made for the drop tank pylon. For what it's worth, here's an excerpt form Squadron's P-51D Walkaround:


  • drop tank.jpg
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Lucky13--Alright! Here's a little progress;

Came out sortta okay. I found Eduards belts a little hard to use. They are real thin and the buckles tend to bend too easily. The pre-painting does make it quicker but if I had my way to do it again I'd have thicker buckles(Waldron? anybody seen of used them?) and make my own belts from rolled out two part epoxy putty and forgo the fancy stitching. Besides, I couldn't resist tarting up the belts with a touch of paint/shading. Just my two cents worth.

Crimea_River-- Thanks! Picture is a big help.

Javlin, Wurger Airframes-- Thanks for the comments guys.

The IP is next on the chopping block.

Looks good enough to me.
If you're making your own belts in the future, try using lead foil from wine bottles (or it can be purchased from Squadron or Hannant's in small sheets, I think from Plus Model). It's much easier than rolling out putty, and gives a scale appearance, and can be posed very, very easily.
The Waldron buckles can be used, but a cheaper alternative is to make them, again from foil, or thick aluminium foil found on some packaging, or very thin metal from drinks cans.
In 1/24th scale especially, this is not too difficult.

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