Another new member

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Feb 2, 2014
Hello everyone! I would like to introduce myself. I am from Canada and am very new to forums... I also have a interest in Pby Catalina's due to a photo of my grandfather with one.I would also like to note that I do not have an extensive knowledge of aircraft but would love to learn more!
Welcome from England. Check in at Reception, where Lucky will esc show you to your ce.., er, room.
Appel is three times per day, and you must parade outside the Kommandtur compound fence ............. Oh! Sorry!
It's the bacon you know, causes flashbacks ..........
Hello, and welcome. Disregard any previous comments about sanity, as they are clearly insane.
I'm the only one here that is in full control of .... Oh, look , there's a squirrel!
Who's sane? Is someone sane? Sane? In here? Look at them pink donkeys dancing, purple cows play football in Denver Broncos outfits, wait....the Supreme Bacon is about to say something...

Welcome to cuckoos'll only fly over once, after that....

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