B-24 Liberator Diorama - 1/48th Scale.

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Just a short up-date, as it's been so long since any work has been done on the model, mainly due to flare-up bouts of the RA, and being away at the Tin Tent.
I should have been back in Norfolk yesterday, but further flare-up causing stiffness and some pain has delayed me, as there's no way I could manage the four hour drive yet, so I'm hoping to travel tomorrow, staying just for around 6 or 7 days, then back home for two weeks, when I should be able to continue work and make some decent progress.

But there's good news, in two parts !

First, Bill has now got the nose art and code letter custom decals for "Male Call", and will be sending them off to me in time for my return home.
Second, Glenn notified me of another Koster B-24 turret kit on e bay in Oz, so I bid on it and won - yippee !!
This should also arrive when I get back home (hoping it doesn't get lost this time!), so I can now really make some headway.

My sincere thanks to Bill and Glenn - the help on this forum is second to none !
Cheers to that.

Yes Glenn, all four turrets and interiors, and three versions of the tail turret too. The canopy is also included, along with astrodome, waist windows and various styles of bombardier, navigator and radio room windows, plus the main bombardier window.
Resin parts for the turret interiors, and metal guns complete the package.

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