Being Politically Correct SUCKS

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Tell me about it! These b*st*rds have nothing better to do, than waste our bl**dy hard earned money, doing nothing else than p*ss decent people off with their f*cking, well I'd say brainstorms, but sine they lack that particular part in the human body, i won't do that, lunacy probably fits the description better, if not, feel free to choose from: insanity, madness...
Their bl**dy gay and light-hearted recreational activities and diversions to their own f*cking amusement, which always end up with them saying "it was all done in play", one sunny day their frolics in the surf will become ugly and public....cretins, half-wits, imbeciles, morons, retards and *rseholes!!!
My manager does not let me talk because I do not play by the PC rules. I always find a round about way of saying what I mean. It lease I was not the person telling our non english speaking customers that they would have to speak english to me instead of using the translator.

Go get the school adminstration Cougar. They cannot tell anyone how to act off campus. I am so tired of no Halloween, no Christmas, no Thanksgiving, no Easter. It is a Christmas tree D@%% it not a family tree or holiday tree. We cannot have Christmas in the school but they teach the Kwanza BS. Some nut job at Berkley make that S^% up.
i plan on pissing off alot of people today.....this is going to be fun :twisted:

I think DBII is right, the school can not tell you how to act off campus and not on school hours. If you daughter wants to have a birthday party and invite Atilla the Hun, she has the perfect right to do so (time, culture and other problems notwithstanding). If she wants to invite only the kids with blonde hair in her class, there is no rule against it.

The administrator may be in over his head in this thing.
Go for it Cougar! I don't know about where you are but with the school taxes around here, YOU pay their salary. Shes your child not the frickin world's! Pansy-a**ed liberal mindset. Set her up now before they destroy her in college with their huggy-feely crap.

We want pics. :D
In response to the wankers who prattle on about making sure everyone has been labeled correctly........" Heres the worlds smallest violin and its playing just for you "
Check the clander guys, it is 1984 and double speak rules the day. Where else in the world can a drug smugglers cross a border with drugs, pull a knife on the porder patrol and have the officers imprisoned for shooting him in the a$$ while he was running away? This is not my granfather's country!

i was asked politely to not visit my daughters school anymore unless i was dropping her off or picking her up! :twisted:
I hope you told them not to intrude on your daughter's selection of friends.


DBI was thinking the exact same thing, what an atrocity!
Remember, it's not about you, it's about your daughter. These people (the administrators) honestly think they have her best interests at heart and you are the wrong party because you are not as intellectually advanced as they are (I've run into this crap more times than I can count, the old line about "Those who can, do. Those that can't, teach" is not just a joke in many cases). The more cranky and offhand one liners you give them, the more it reinforces their predjudices.

You have the right idea, gotta make sure you pitch the line. You know she is growing up into a very competitive world. Their desire to remove all stresses and make a little Utopia does not reflect the trials and tribulations people deal with in life. She will get left off invite lists, she will end up not getting an valentine. It's part of life, she has to learn to deal with it.

I really feel for kids that spend 12 years being taught the world is a fair place only to run into the hard knocks of reality after they finish high school. And education is supposed to be worth something but one has to wonder, what is it she is supposed to be learning when it doesn't reflect the society at large?

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