Forum Mascot
Tell me about it! These b*st*rds have nothing better to do, than waste our bl**dy hard earned money, doing nothing else than p*ss decent people off with their f*cking, well I'd say brainstorms, but sine they lack that particular part in the human body, i won't do that, lunacy probably fits the description better, if not, feel free to choose from: insanity, madness...
Their bl**dy gay and light-hearted recreational activities and diversions to their own f*cking amusement, which always end up with them saying "it was all done in play", one sunny day their frolics in the surf will become ugly and public....cretins, half-wits, imbeciles, morons, retards and *rseholes!!!
Their bl**dy gay and light-hearted recreational activities and diversions to their own f*cking amusement, which always end up with them saying "it was all done in play", one sunny day their frolics in the surf will become ugly and public....cretins, half-wits, imbeciles, morons, retards and *rseholes!!!