Bf 109 G-6 1/48 Hobbycraft kit

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Ok, not exactly what I thought but not that bad either. I got the effect I
wanted but it seems too green. Then again I am basing it on other models
I have seen which seem to be more tan. I couldn't find Blue Tack so I went
Duck brand poster putty. It works good but boy is it tenacious to cut, or tear
I should say. I should have used wider pieces to get more tan color. But I went
back and looked at the black and white images from 1944 and it seems very dark,
darker than most models I have seen. What do you think? I can live with it, will
do better next time.---John

Thanks, it's my first attempt at this style camo, not overly thrilled but
I am not totally unhappy with it either, learning experience. Moving on
I discovered that Eduards did this and has it in one of their kits, thanks for
the heads up fubar57. I found the markings sheet and according to it the
bottom of the plane has a remnant of the white fuselage band and one wing
tip is white. I am guessing they are Mediterranean Theater markings that got
over painted or never finished. So I will try and confirm this then mask and paint
the right lower wing tip and bottom portion of the fuselage band.---John
I have to order more white paint. I did do some detail painting on
the gear doors, antenna mast and mass balances. I also did a test
fit of the prop and painted the exhausts burnt iron. I will use decals
from my Eagle Cals Blond Knight Eric Hartmann Bf 109 G-6s sheet.
It has the correct balkenkreuses for the wings and fuselage, swastikas
for the tail and spiral for the spinner. All I have to source elsewhere is the yellow 4.---John
I forgot when building to add the hole in the fuselage spine for
the antenna wire. I just drilled it without any damage, just lucky
I guess. I went to a walk around and consulted my Eagle Cals
decal sheet diagram for the proper location.---John
Thanks, I gloss coated and started the decals, still looking for the elusive yellow
4. I still have to paint and add the cowl gun barrels, mass balances, landing
gear and wheels, gear doors, loop antenna, antenna and wire plus dull coat.
Time to do some detail painting then take a short break, I also have to figure
out how I am going to over paint some of the decals. Not to get off subject but
I was looking at Eduards' Bf 109 E-3, does the "Weekend Edition" include the full
engine? Do they also do a -4? I have decals for a Swiss -4.---John

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This project is in limbo. I put the landing gear on wrong, one leg came off OK the other
was too set up. I tried to force it out and the gear broke in half. I tried getting the broken
stub out and it separated the fuselage from wings join. I now have a beautiful mess that
would depress the best modeler. Oh well I haven't given up, I'll start on my Eduard Bf 109 E-4
and ponder on this mess. I may just totally start over with a better kit or go with that Hasegawa G-10
I always wanted.---John

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