Bf 109F-4 Trop 1/48 Group Build

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Hudson MkIII

Jul 26, 2009
Username: Hudson MkIII
Category 2/Intermediate
Model: Bf109F-4 Trop
Scale: 1:48
Kit by ICM

This will be my entry. Got this kit very cheap. Its got the air filter and the chin radiator for the F-4/trop included.


I've got a couple of schemes in mind. But I have no plan views for wings. Will have to keep looking.


Nice one! I think I might have some profiles, and probably plan views, which were the same overall upper surface colour. I'll have a look over the next couple of days.
I know most of the ICM kits are very good, especially for the price, their Spits possibly being the best in any scale, but what do you think of the '109? I've only ever seen initial reviews, when they were first introduced about 10 years ago.
what do you think of the '109? I've only ever seen initial reviews, when they were first introduced about 10 years ago.

For the price I think the kit is very good, there is a bit of flash on some parts that will have to be cleaned up but so far I'm very happy with it. I'll let you know how if fits together as I go.
Thanks for the info guys. Sounds like their '109's are as good as their other kits, the Mustang very probably being from Tamiya moulds. I know their Spits are beauties, getting one for my 56 Sqn build.
Looking forward to your build H.
A nice kit a nice choice.

Here you are the view at the upper sides. Source unknown.


  • Bf109F2 trop top view.jpg
    Bf109F2 trop top view.jpg
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The ICM's can be a bit painful. I started a P-51A not too long ago, but haven't finished. Invested lot's of time in sanding and filling though! Seems to be a cross between Tamiya and Accurate Miniatures. I was told the decals have a tendency to breakup if not careful, but haven't got that far. Still, you can't complain about the amount of detail for the price. I've also seen some great Spitty builds with their VIII/IX kit so let's see how it goes with the 109. :D


Does anyone know why the brown on the first picture goes 1/2 way down the side of the plane and in the second picture the brown goes down to the wing? Was the standard changed or was it a choice made by the units?


I found the answer in another post. Thanks anyway.

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Its interesting that the wing roots are white on the top as well.

DBII could you direct me to that post pls?
Hudson, the wing roots aren't white on top. The artist has used highlighting to distinguish them, they are the same colour as the undersurface. The upper surfaces of the wings were painted up to the joint of the wing root, so the wing root fillet is the same colour as the fuselage sides/under sides.
Hi Hudson,

Just a suggestion but if you are really looking for a good candidate for a bf-109 then I suggest this one. The Star of Africa for the Luftwaffe. Source Kargeo books JG 27 number 3


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I have been looking at that scheme, it would seem the obvious choice. There must be a few yellow 14's on bookcases and shelves around the world.
Hudson Mk III, sorry it took so long to get back with you. Check in aircraft markings and camouflage. There is a link for LW aircraft and markings. One of the last entries will answer your question.


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