BikerBabe's photos

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Buck, I'll join ya. I've been thinking of starting a thread with pics of my mis-adventures in the woods and puddle-jumping in my trucks over the years.
Thanks again guys, here comes another round of motorcycle pics, this time from last week, when the amusement park Bakken opened.
It's been a tradition since the late 60's that motorcyclists from all over the Copenhagen area meet up for the opening of Bakken - in the beginning with the purpose of getting drunk and beating up the hippies, with local biker gangs modeled on the american biker gangs, who again originated from WW2 pilots returning home, and setting up motorcycle gangs of their own.
Later, this particular arrangement of opening Bakken got more peaceful with the participation of more family-oriented bike riders, and now the thing is for everyone.
We've had participants from many countries by now, Sweden and Germany being the main contributor of guests since they're our neighbour countries, but I've even spotted polish and canadian motorcycle license plates in the parade, so apparently the word is spreading.

Basically, it's all about showing up at 5 in the afternoon on the day, meet old friends, ogle bikes, kick tyres and catching up after the winter break...for those, who resort to that kind of thing, and whose motorcycles apparently aren't made for outdoors use.
At 7 in the evening, all take off - the police closes off all side roads on the route, so that the motorcycles can pass unhindered all the way from Nørrebro, Copenhagen, to Bakken, Klampenborg - a distance of about 13 kilometers.
The weather was brilliant - sunshine, 16 degrees C, almost no wind - a perfect spring day.
And btw, the same event takes place in the autumn when Bakken closes, but there's usually more participants at that occasion, as the weather is usually better...or some riders have gotten used to being outdoors again, I don't which is right...prolly both.

Opposites meet. Biker gang member and police officer.

Vintage motorcycle, Endurance - detail, headlight.

Endurance-owner (w. leather helmet) explains something to a pair of curious onlookers.

Goldwing owner (w.cap) and spectator.

View from a backyard.

Plastic rockets.

Cool mohawk on that helmet!

Beautiful motorcycle rider.

A "wee black one" - older beemer.

The sun is setting over Nørrebrogade.

Motorcycle with an attitude.

Beemer. Yum!

THE beemer.

Honda Goldwing.

Final preparations going on all around.

Waiting impatiently.




Parking at Bakken. The rider in front in the red jacket was a little elderly Honda-lady who could've been my mother, age-wise! So don't claim that you ever get too old to ride.

Bikers at the wishing well at the entrance.

Bye bye, see you again in the autumn.
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Bikes? Where? I don't see any old HD, Indian, BSA, AJS, Norton, Triumph, I missing something?

Great pics Maria, how about some from Christiania?
There damn good fly's you have made there Marie, I showed them to a fanatical fishing friend of mine who came over for lunch today, a man of not many words who also makes his own fly's and you got a 'Geeze, them good fly's', so they must be good.
Like the Bikies gathering, what a great event and some good pics, looked like a fun afternoon.

Thanks guys, I appreciate your kind words.
And Vic?
You can tell your friend that the flies work just fine. Thank him for the praise from me, willya?

Bikes? Where? I don't see any old HD, Indian, BSA, AJS, Norton, Triumph, I missing something?

Great pics Maria, how about some from Christiania?

Thanks Lucky. *curtsies*
And pics from Christiania? I'll get my a$$ fried if I show my camera in there, the pushers don't like photographers.


Hi guys.

Biker buddy Mr. Budtz and I went on a wee trip today to Avedøre Aeronautical Center near Copenhagen.
We had a great trip, met some really nice people and had fun.
Here's a few pics from today:

The entrance to the old airfield with the old hangars.

The gentlemen in the club was busy working on an old KZ-plane (Kramme Zeuthen), the tail section sure looks nice, I think.

...and so does the 6-cylinder boxer engine.

The plane.

Workshop talk.


One of the hangars.


Ellehammer replica.
A replica of one of Denmark's first planes ever made, by pioneer Jacob Ellehammer.
If you're interested, you can read a little more about Ellehammer here:
The Pioneers : An Anthology : Jacob Christian Hansen Ellehammer (1871-1946)


The little cockpit in the KZ.

KZ - doors.


The Ellehammer cockpit.

A sleeping beauty. Another KZ-plane, waiting for better flying weather.

Mr. Budtz and club chief Bjarne talking.
Looks like a fun day trip you had, Maria!

Of all the photos you posted, the one that really stood out, was the photo of the guys hanging out "BS'ing"...

That shot could have been taken anywhere and reminds me that no matter what country we're from, there's not much difference between one another after all

Thanks for sharing the pictures

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