British Columbrian Pride

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Nov 22, 2009
The Jungles of Canada
Every morning I wake up, I couldn't be happier to live in B.C. and this article just bumps that pride up a notch.

Victoria loo voted best in Canada - British Columbia - CBC News

Had to Google map this bad boy for when I go visit my daughter soon(she's only two blocks away from this treasure)


Enjoy :p

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Just an update. I went to Victoria this weekend to move my daughter and her fiance to Mackenzie(From Mackenzie: car, 737, skytrain, bus, 2hr ferry ride, bus, and a 2 block walk=8.5 hrs), but before I could leave, I had to get photos of Canada's Best Restroom 2012. A year later, but it still brings a lumps to ones throat. Also shown, the young lady who is soon to make me a grandfather.



Lol...... I loved BC,took a motorcycle trip up there via Jackson Hole,Yellowstone,Glacier National park,Waterton Canyon,Calgary,Banff and Jasper,2nd time headed west to San Fran then North to Vancouver Island. Loved Victoria,the gardens, just the whole general area is beautiful..

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