Brooks' Photos

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Really nice bird shots Aaron. The bottom one looks like a male house finch according to, can't place the crested one in the middle or the top bird on the right yet.


Edit: top bird on the right may be a nuthatch and the center one a tufted titmouse...perhaps.
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Thanks for the interest folks and the complements. The reddish bird around here is cold a purple finch. It looks red to me, go figure. But in Geo's photo it looks more like the house finch.( to me) The little black capped bird is a Nutthatch, I think I spelled that correctly, not a chickadee as I post previously. And I have no idea about the third one. We have so many different types of birds around here I cannot keep up with them all.
Went our last Saturday and took a stroll around Damascus, Va. Got some decent photos and one of the tongue in cheek shots.


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